Thursday 24 May 2012

Evaluation Report

   1. Reflection on my 'self initiated' brief  

Writing your own brief can be a really helpful process should you have a lot to get done with little direction, other than what you have in your head. I find that by creating my own brief, I had a port of call whenever I needed it to remind myself of any things I wanted to do were left over to be completed.  In my case, it kept me focussed on the elements of design I wanted to concentrate on, for example, typographics and advertising techniques.

I felt that I adhered quite well to my brief, and I know I feel confident within myself that I’ve worked to it to create the results I planned in the first place for this project.  The only way in which I may have possibly deviated from the brief I set for myself was to make more posters than I originally planned; however, I feel that they work strongly as part of the advertising and promotion of my fictional documentary.

My brief was a way in which to explore my personal design style and the possibilities that I could explore through urban exploration, which is a big hobby of mine. Through this passion for the subject matter, it was easy to find myself involved with the project and striving to do well and make the best of each opportunity presented. I felt that I achieved the goals I’d set for myself, however, due to time constraints there are certain extras that I haven’t been able to fill. For example, having given myself more time I would have made a functional website for the documentary movie.
Posters have been a large theme of this project, and I feel I’m really getting to grips and enjoying print production a lot more than before. I found myself being able to explore with the freedom of this project to create designs and artwork I’ve always really wanted to.

   2. Subject Research

My main sources of reference was an online design website called Behance. I find that that’s a really good source of information and design work since it maintains a high standard of work due to the member application process, as well as the fact that it has a huge variety of design and artwork available for viewing.

The most difficult aspect of research that I found was through urban exploration itself. Apart from graffiti and photography, there’s not a lot out there that represents urban exploration from a graphic design point of view. I felt that was inspiring in some respects since it meant that I had a lot to play with, however, I felt I would have excelled more with something to go on that related more to my style of graphic design.

   3. Media

My graphical style was allowed to really experiment through this project, which I really enjoyed. I wanted to maintain a clean and simple design with focus on photography and typographics. Within urban exploration, photography is a strong element, which I felt that I needed to involve in my work. When designing my posters, I really enjoyed the process and the challenges that were also involved. I wanted to keep things simple, but to incorporate all the relevant information and keep the design clean and relevant was a little challenging at times. I often felt the need to start again from scratch to make sure that my designs weren’t getting too busy.

When designing for my guerrilla marketing, such as the installation, I found that quite difficult since mock-ups are the only way that I can represent my ideas behind it. Since my skills in using Photoshop to manipulate imagery in that way aren’t the strongest, I felt that this was my weakest point of the project – however, the posters developed for the guerrilla campaign, rather than the advertising campaign, I felt they were strong designs with very clear messages.

As mentioned previously, I struggled the most with the image manipulation of guerrilla installations as advertising for my documentary. If I could do things differently I’d probably attempt to create the installation itself and photograph the experiment for documentation in my project. This would be a challenge in itself and I do regret not thinking of doing that sooner.

   4. The Design Process

I’ve created self-initiated briefs in the past and have experienced a bit of a love/hate relationship with them. On one hand, they can be a great opportunity to experiment and concentrate on subject matters that you really enjoy – thus keeping your attention at it’s peak throughout the design period. On the other hand, it can be a big responsibility to create a schedule, keep yourself disciplined and make sure you’re constantly on top of the workload and organized to the best of your ability. However, these lessons are all very important for the development of yourself as a designer and I do find myself feeling a lot more pleased with myself after a self-initiated project has been finished.

I feel that the final results of my project are strong design pieces. I did find myself struggling at various points, for example, with the guerrilla advertising design and to a certain extent, the original logo itself. I personally struggle with logo design, as an artist and much prefer layout work, such as magazines, posters and websites, so that was definitely a challenge for me.

Despite this, I feel that the final images I’ve created convey the message of my fictional documentary in the way I wanted it to be received.  Throughout the project, I’ve constantly reiterated the design elements I want to concentrate on to make sure that my designs are a correct representation of the project subject.

When it comes to time management, I struggled to keep to my schedule due to a number of things. I often found myself without motivation or the creative inspiration to concentrate on the work, and found myself wanting to make sure that I didn’t just put in minimal effort to keep to the schedule rather than concentrate on the work itself and make sure I did the best I possibly could design wise. I did find it a challenge to maintain the constant work structure, however, despite these issues, I’m pleased with the results of this project and I plan to include all of the work from this project in my portfolio.

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