Saturday 19 May 2012

Spatial Awareness: An Urban Exploring Documentary

As part of branding my movie advertising campaign, I obviously need to come up with a name for the movie itself. This way I can use that in phrases, captions, puns and other relevant word based advertising strategies. I began by collating words from a thesaurus that are relevant to urban exploring and the idea behind it.

city - burghal - central - civic - downtown - inner city - metropolitan -  municipal - nonrural - oppidan - popular - public - village - town

investigation - survey - analyze - burrow - examine -  hunt - inspect - probe - prospect - question - research - scout - scrutinize - search - seek - sift - test - tour - travel - traverse - try

I have bolded all of the words that I felt were the most relevant or sounded the most interesting to use within a name. This will allow me to come back to these words after further research to see if there's anything worth using.

I then began researching into urban exploring documentaries and films, to get some inspiration into works already made. I mostly came across videos and movies named after the place being explored, however there were a few that caught my eye.

Urban Exploring: Into the Darkness - I thought this was an interesting name. I wasn't sure how to feel about it however, the movie itself is a horror (so a fictional depiction, rather than a documentary) so the 'Into The Darkness' part made it feel a little more sinister. The fictional movie that I wish to represent will be aiming at changing people's perspectives on urban exploring, so I think a more exciting and intriguing title would be better suited.

Crack the Surface - Crack the Surface is a documentary based film series on Vimeo. I thought it was an interesting twist on a name, since I think it holds many meanings. For one, it's relevant to the act itself, often in urban exploring, you will have to find ways to get into buildings that can be a lot more complicated than just opening a door. Secondly, it feels like it represents a more positive feel about urban exploring - cracking the surface of the subject and opening it up for people to understand its true meaning. I think this is a good example of a suited urban exploring movie name.

UNDERCITY - This is probably my favourite name that I've come across through film research. I like the fact that it's all in capitals, a simple but effective way to differentiate the name from others instantly by being bolder and grabbing your attention. A simple trick, that is often overlooked, I feel, but works in a similar way to having certain letters capital and lowercase - not relating to correct grammar. Another thing I like about the title is that it's straight to the point and tells you enough about the movie you're about to watch without 'spoiling the surprise' so to speak. I think this is a name that I'll take a fair bit of inspiration from.

Wandering is Encouraged - This title comes from a small youtube video made by a couple of friends with a video camera. The footage and the 'documentary' itself isn't very high quality, but the name made me have a look. I think a name is a vital key to getting people to click on your link, or to remember to google your product or to sign up to a mailing list. Even though I don't think much of the name itself, it proved to me the importance of a well thought out title.

After this research, it really helped me to narrow down what I wanted from my fictional urban exploring movie title. The following are names I've come up with to hopefully be able to pick one as my final choice.

INFILTRATION - Urban Complex - Spatial Awareness: An Urban Exploring Documentary - Explorer's Territory - The Abandoned City

I'm quite pleased with the results of my name, I'd be pleased to use any of them as the name for my film. However, my favourite is a tie between the Abandoned City and Spatial Awareness. The Abandoned City has a more haunting feel to it, which I mentioned earlier that I wanted to avoid, however it does have quite a 'blockbuster-y' feel to it. Spatial Awareness is a play on words that I really like, however, it doesn't really sound right without the 'An Urban Exploring Documentary' following it. This can easily be worked around however with the appropriate logo and advertising ideas.

I've decided my film will be called Spatial Awareness: An Urban Exploring Documentary.

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