Sunday 20 May 2012

Self Initiated Design Brief

Spatial Awareness: An Urban Exploring Documentary

The word I decided to explore for this project was the word fetish. There are many complex meanings behind the word, and in various walks of life and different members of society would take it in a variety of ways. The simplest point – and thus port of call for referencing – to figure out the meaning behind the word fetish and fetishism was of course, the dictionary.

In a broad term, fetish means to hold an object in high regard, and in awe as eliciting unquestioning reverence, and despite this fairly educated word holding a common meaning, we tend to focus ourselves on the more erotic meaning of the word. Despite this meaning holding lots of potential for expansion into a project, I want to concentrate on the first meaning, and with inspiration taken from my contextual studies project, I wanted to concentrate this form of fetishism into urban exploration.

Urban exploration is fast becoming a popular activity amongst the street and artistic communities, however there are many misconceptions, which I’ve seen stem from its ‘on the fence’ status of legality. I want to concentrate my project on this subject, and evolve it into a study for my final major.

I’ve decided to take my subject matter and express it in the form of a fictional documentary movie that I will then brand and advertise. To create a successful brand for my movie, I will have to explore many different aspects of design, which will not only correctly represent the subject matter but also create an interesting and creative outcome to my project.

I will explore many different types of design, from website design, to logo development, to typography and further into the idea generation behind guerrilla marketing and various advertising techniques. I want to establish a strong and well researched identity for my project to not only help represent my skills as a designer but to correctly represent the activity of urban exploring and its implications it has on society and the artistic communities.

I will experiment within the Adobe Suite, with typography and design to help establish an identity and further that into advertising, website design and posters.

The establishment of my designs and ideas will be represented with comprehensive mockups (such as with website design etc) and product placement within the city (such as with guerrilla marketing). I enjoy print production and plan to use this passion to encourage myself within the work to maintain a high standard when working with poster design. This is also similar within website design and guerrilla marketing, since they all hold a very concrete place in my heart.


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