Tuesday 22 May 2012

Promo Website Inspiration

As part of my research towards my promotional website, I've decided to look into other movie websites that have been made. I don't want to stray too far from these types of designs because I feel that they've been created as a template for a reason and on viewing, people know what they're looking at and what it means, for example, having a stills gallery, a teaser trailer on the home page, etc.

I don't want anything too over complicated for the website, for example, like blockbuster movie websites, since this is a documentary and I want to maintain the raw feel of it, and the concentration on the subject matter within it. 

Obviously, since I'm using a fake documentary as my project, I will using the Crack the Surface trailers for that aspect of the website and taking stills from the same documentary for the gallery.

I really like this website design, for a few reasons. I really like the simple illustrative feel and how the interactivity works amongst that. I also think the type is really nice and simple, but is used in such a way to complement the design.

The simplicity of this website really works and I'm really growing to like large background images that work with the rest of the website. By having this background and keeping the man image as a theme throughout all of the pages keeps a nice continuity, where you can't forget about what you're viewing. There are many pages on this website and I think that's a good thing to take note of since it stops you from just making do with the 'obvious' choices of pages.

This is one of my favourite pieces of research I've found, for a couple reasons. It uses full background images which is something that I've decided that I really want to incorporate in my design for my website. I also really like the navigation of this website, and the simplicity of all of the elements really keeps my focus on the images. On clicking through, you get various different videos relating to the page you're on and I think that's quite a nice touch rather than to have a typical 'trailers' page. This website so far is definitely been the biggest inspiration.

Just a little bit more research that I wanted to touch on. I decided to include the above website for the interesting navigation running along the bottom of the page - this is a really interesting and creative way to view stills. Maybe they could click through to different trailers?

Just wanted to include this website that I came across for it's navigation. I like the way it involves the different elements on top of the images, floating links, along with the navigational bar along the bottom.

A final piece of research is this SOLES project I came across. Again, a full background image which I really think works, but what caught my eye about this one is the variations on opacity and how that works with the navigation. I think that's a really nice little touch and something I might experiment with when designing my website.

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